
Start your render


Once the render has been submitted or is in the process of being submitted, you need to facilitate the hardware you want to use to render.

OctaRender works in a distributed fashion, where one or more machines can render your work based on your scale and needs.

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When choosing the hardware you want to use, you can consider using the following: (1) Hardware combination or Blender Scores

(2) Price in equivalent USD or OCTA

(3) Filtering

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Sorting by Blender scores is a great way to identify machines with good rendering performance as certain hardware combinations can be more efficient at rendering than others.

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Browse through the marketplace and choose one or more nodes to render on. As in the below example, we can choose 2 machines and clicking rent will distribute the frames across those machines. There is no limit to how many machines you can rent at once (Prices are per hour).

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Once you've clicked rent, as soon as the render has been uploaded it will begin distributing and rendering across your rented machines

Following the completion of the render, please ensure you terminate the rental.