OCTA VPN offers a variety of key benefits to its users. One of the main advantages is its ease of setup, which is made possible by utilizing non-modified and open-source software that is compatible with a wide range of platforms.
Additionally, users have the flexibility to choose from a variety of VPN technologies to suit their needs. There are also no limitations on the number of devices that can be connected simultaneously.
To add to that, the billing model is pay-as-you-go, which means you are billed only for the amount of data you use. This gives you complete control over your usage and costs.
VPN access is implemented using the following technologies:
- Wireguard
- Shadowsocks with v2ray plugin
- OpenVPN
- V2Ray (VLESS, VMESS, Trojan)
While you can use the VPN with Open Source tools such as OpenVPN or Wireguard, there are also native applications available which you can download:
OctaVPN is simple to use and you can get started in few simple steps:
You will be generated a wallet for your account, deposit native $OCTA directly to this address
- Once you've topped up your account, make a note of your API token as this will serve as your only authentication in the OctaVPN apps.
- Download one of the apps below or run the VPN on a custom configuration.
For the native applications, you will need to use your API token to login.

Via APK if you don't have access to Play Store https://files.octa.space/octavpn/octavpn.apk
The iOS app is presently awaiting approval from Apple Store for publication. In the meantime, we have provided instructions for an alternative method to leverage the OctaVPN service on the link below.
https://files.octa.space/octavpn/Setup.exe Browser extensions:
Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/octa-vpn/ Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/octa-vpn/dbogjddpccpiaffjjdlgkohnfgbekjde Chrome: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/octa-vpn/mihegdmkfdnnnhnjffkbaodhfpcejjbl
Before beginning, it is essential to ensure that the necessary software is installed on your phone or computer.
In order to create a connection, select the required access point in the Services->VPN menu, choose VPN Type and press the Create button.After some time (10-20 sec) in Dashboard->Service sessions select your session and click on the UUID column to get connection information.
Depending on the VPN type you use the configuration will be presented in a few formats like text config or QR code.
Service does not log any of the user traffic or DNS requests