
CPU/GPU rental


Using this service, you can rent computing power (CPU / GPU) and necessary disk space to perform tasks in the fields of ML, image processing, rendering scenes using Blender or mining.

The connection is made via the SSH protocol. Connection information can be obtained by clicking on the session in the menu Dashboard->Service sessions

Before starting you need to specify your SSH public key in Account->Settings->SSH public key field.

To generate SSH key pair:

Configure keys on Windows using PuTTYGen and PuTTY

Then run puttygen application

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Press button Generate and start moving mouse cursor until key generated

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Copy and paste generated public key in CUBE: Account->Settings->SSH public key

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Press button Save private key in PuTTYGen and save private key file to the safe place. Run PuTTY and specify private key in Connnection->SSH->Auth->Credentials menu

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Now you are able to log in to rented machine using PuTTY

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